Public Works

For questions or to make a request for road maintenance call 610-367-0984
Winter WeatherÂ
The Public Works Department of Douglass Township is well prepared in the event of a major snowstorm, but snow storms are stressful on everyone, including our personnel. So we are requesting the assistance and cooperation of our residents this season to help us during inclement weather.
Please have patience and understand that during a prolonged snow event every inch of snow cannot be removed from the streets the moment the event ends. If it takes hours to occur, it will take hours to remove. We also ask residents who have off-street parking to utilize that and remove vehicles from the street. Plowing around cars is dangerous, time consuming and often impossible in some locations. Residents are also encouraged to delay the shoveling of driveway aprons until the roadway in front of the residence has been plowed. If you shovel before we plow, your driveway will most likely be plowed back in. This is something we cannot prevent. Our personnel are merely trying to clear the roadway so when your vehicles leave the driveway it can safely maneuver on the roads.
Snow plows drive slower than most other vehicles on the road. Please don't tailgate our snow plows - it's dangerous for you and the driver of the plow. Plow drivers are professionals who know how fast they can safely drive and how quickly they can stop the plow truck. Because snow plows also salt the roads with spreaders that throw salt across the lanes of traffic you are required to STAY BACK 50 FEET. Following too closely will make it impossible for the plow driver to see you and your vehicle is in danger of being backed into or of being sprayed with damaging rock salt. Maintaining this 50 foot distance will insure that you and your vehicle remain safe and will also make you much more visible to the plow driver. The safety of our residents and our employees is our priority.
ORDINANCE NO. 2013-01 (Snow and Ice Removal)
Responsibility for Removal. The owner and/or the occupant and/or the tenant of any property within Douglass Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, shall remove snow and/or ice from sidewalks of such properties abutting upon roads, streets or alleys within twelve (12) hours of daylight after any snow has ceased to fall or ice to form. The snow or ice shall be removed so that a path shall be cleared for the full width of the sidewalk, in case of any sidewalk of three feet (3') or less in width, and so that a path of at least three feet (3') in width shall be cleared on all sidewalks wider than three feet (3'). The snow and ice removed shall not be placed in the gutter or in the roadway of any road, street or alley. Ord.76-1, 2/2/1976, (SS1)