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Backyard Composting

Compost critters, buts, fungi, bacteria and worms living in our yards make composting very easy. Just throw leaves, along with grass clippings, wilted flowers and other yard waste into a compost bin or pile, and the compost critters will eat away until there is a finished compost product. Yard waste composted in this way may take as long as two or three years to break down fully. If you want to speed up the process, and harvest rich soil sooner, you can maintain the compost pile, putting millions of microorganisms to work for you.

  • You can choose how much work and money you want to invest in this project
  • You will be successful. Compost Happens!

Tips and Tricks

You will need a minimum space about 4' by 4'; pile leaves 4' high. Size and shape are important. The pile should be large enough to allow sufficient heat retention and small enough to allow oxygen circulation. Adding greens such as grass clippings and vegetable and fruit peelings will speed up the process. More frequent turning of the pile may be required in this faster process. Adding browns such as leaves, small twigs, or chipped branches will slow down the process. Adding worms will help keep the pile aerated and speed up the decomposition process. Red Wigglers or red worms are recommended. You may want to consider constructing an enclosed structure made of wood, wire, or fencing, or you could purchase a composter from a nursery or garden center.